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Everything you need to get started

Healthy recipes for mindful eating
Tips for organizing and decluttering

People are happier when their kitchen is full of
healthy ingredients and they can easily prepare

simple healthy meals.

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Meet Stacey

Stacey Crew is a Certified Health Coach through the Institute for Integrative Nutrition. She helps individuals achieve improved nutrition & balance by providing a supportive environment to achieve goals and live a more fulfilling life.

Her motto is small steps equal big results over time!


Stacey Crew’s approach to health and healing is so refreshing!

I absolutely love that she does home visits and shows you step-by-step how to replace one thing at a time to upgrade your health! It’s not overwhelming, but simple and Stacey makes it really fun! Plus she looks incredible and is showing that it’s possible to feel and look vibrant at any age!

Liana Werner-Gray

#1 Best Selling Author of The Earth Diet

She continuously looks for ways to help and inspire others, both in her coaching and personal life.

Stacey has taken the life lessons she has gained and turned them into positive inspiration for others. Her philosophy is that big results come through the small, yet very important, daily shifts we make in our lives.

Lucie Dickensen

Author of the Bestselling book, The Anxious Hippie

By the third day of following her routine, I had MORE energy.

When Stacey accepted me into her 3-Day Clean Eating Program, I was feeling a decrease in energy. I started the program with a little hesitation because I was already eating what I thought was healthy, but by the third day of following her routine, I had MORE energy but more importantly, I learned to eat even healthier! 


owner of The Scrumptious CupCakery, Flanders, NJ

Stacey coached me through a six-month program and I found it to be an extremely positive and valuable experience.

I gained insight and clarity on long-standing issues affecting my health and well-being. Together, we crafted concrete steps to address these issues. Perhaps the most valuable element was accountability. I had set countless goals for myself in the past, but I would often lose focus, allowing them to fall by the wayside. Knowing I had a partner to cheer my successes and evaluate my shortcomings was inspiring during the times when my motivation waned. 

Lauren Gobes

Actress, Mom of Twins
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